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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

What Do You Get... Bumble Bee

... Bumble Bee!

1 Toilet Paper Roll
1 Paper Plate
Black Paint
Yellow Paint
Hot Glue Gun and Glue

Paint the paper plate yellow and set aside to dry.

Paint the toilet paper roll black and set aside to dry.

Cut the paper plate in the shape of a dog bone measuring the length of the paper plate.

With the left over paper plate pieces; cut three yellow bee stripes out about 5" long and hot glue them around the body of the toilet paper roll, centering the first one in the middle and the other two remaining piece 1" apart from the top and bottom of the middle stripe.

Hot glue the wings around the body of the toilet paper roll bending in the side to the body.

Cut out a bumble bee face with antennae, creating the face of the bumble bee. You can hole punch the eyes out of paint or draw the eyes and nose on the bee. Glue the face on the body of the bumble bee.

You have the beginnings of a beautiful garden to be built around a bucket full of toilet paper rolls!

1 comment:

  1. had no idea it was going to be a bumble bee...:) very cute!
